
VCE / IB Tuition

Preparing for VCE exams can be fun! We strongly believe that language learning can be fun, even in High School. What a more rewarding experience than to be able to communicate in another language post school. It is hard work, but worth every minute!

There are very limited spaces left for private VCE tuition for 2024.
Please get in contact early to avoid disappointment.

VCE & IB Preparation

Our tuitions will help you to ease your way towards the final exam and practice your German to feel more comfortable with your oral and written skills.

Sibylle is a highly experienced tutor who has been tutoring VCE units 1-4 for more than 18 years. She has been working for Caulfield Grammar School since 2012 as a German language consultant, helping students preparing for their oral and written German exams.

Sibylle works as a German language assessor for VCAA and therefore has a thorough understanding of the oral and written exam procedures.

Having highly successfully completed VCE units in German and French in 2015, Leah has a solid understanding of the expectations of learning another language in VCE. She brings her knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to her classes.

Leah is passionate about helping students prepare for their exams as well as encouraging them to utilise the language beyond their High School years.

All classes take place in St Kilda East and this enables us to keep tutoring costs low. However, if you live too far away or have no time to travel, why not start improving your German via Skype or Zoom. These lessons are very intensive and you will be provided with all extra material by e-mail.

If you have ay questions for us, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us here.
Melbourne High
“I attended Language Excellence a few months before my VCE German exams and I can confidently say that it assisted me greatly. Sibylle helped consolidate my understanding of key grammar concepts and marked my practice essays so that I could identify areas for improvement. We also completed numerous mock orals which allowed me to approach the oral examination with confidence. I am so grateful for the help which Sibylle provided me and I would definitely recommend Language Excellence to other German students.”
Caulfield Grammar
“I was struggling with German in the first term of year 12 and felt I was a long way behind the standard I needed to be at. I soon started private sessions with Sibylle, her friendly, caring manner made it so easy to learn and German quickly went from my worst to one of my best subjects. With seeming unlimited teaching materials, and a thorough understanding of the VCE curriculum Sibylle was never short of advice and tips which really helped me, particularly through my nerves leading into the speaking exam. Over the course of 7 months my German has improved out of sight. I would recommend Sibylle to anyone wishing to improve their German skills.”
Melbourne High
“I first came to Sibylle struggling and falling behind in my year 11 german class. After 18 productive months, I am now in the top group of students in my class and I am extremely confident for my exam in just under a week. We began by reinforcing grammar rules whilst simultaneously learning words specific to the current topic at school. Every time we practiced sentences, it would be in relation to the topic, meaning that when we had our exams and sac’s, I had many perfect sentences that I could use and adapt. For the past few months we have focused on exam revision, consistently writing and correcting practice tasks and also practicing listening and readings. I became so used to doing the practice tasks that exams became not so nerve-wracking. In summary, I highly recommend Language Excellence for german tuition, I promise you will not be disappointed!”